Featuring Award Winning
Rolando Polo
Tenor of the Florida Grand Opera
Nina Torres Fine Art | 1800 N Bayshore Drive, Suite CP1, Miami, FL 33132 USA
T | 305.395.3599 W | www.ninatorresfineart.com E | info@ninatorresfineart.com
In questo blog pubblico solo i miei pensieri d'artista, i pensieri di altri artisti, i link di siti di artisti, concorsi d'arte gratuiti, opportunità nel mondo dell'arte, spazi per mostre ed eventi d'arte gratuiti... NOI ARTISTI ABBIAMO FINITO I SOLDI PER VENDERE LA NOSTRA ARTE E CI DOBBIAMO ARRANGIARE!
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Dear Colleague, Please take a look at our new online art exhibition - Abandoned Europe: http://alexsolodov-art.com/?q=taxonomy/term/121 In the time of economical crisis we would like to focus on spiritual value of art in our new exhibition «Abandoned Europe». The theme of exhibition is an artistic reflection of the other "shadow" part of European life in present and past. Including esoteric traditions in culture as kabbalah and alchemy and their influence on modern culture. In our Abandoned Europe show are involved 21 artists from 12 countries with more than 80 artworks. Take a look at our video presentation: http://youtu.be/gp4_DwiL_Yg Please vote for the artist to make her/his work to be exhibited in beautiful town Sintra! http://alexsolodov-art.com/?q=node/1554 In Historical Documents section we present the compilation from the most unbelievable book in the world written in Italy on unknown language in 15 century - the Voinic Manuscript and the most mysterious book of 20 century - Red book by Carl Gustav Jung. And the key book of Alchemy - Rosarium Philosophorum http://alexsolodov-art.com/?q=node/1499 http://alexsolodov-art.com/?q=node/1497 Help us to make this exhibition real in Lisbon! Visit our funding page and became our sponsor: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/abandoned-europe-art-exhibition/x/3756444 Also if you are interested in selling / buying original paintings and prints please visit our Smoky Pixels online shop: http://smokypixels.com Greetings, Alex | |||||||
Want to exhibit your work in the most recognizable city in the world this November? Paris is calling. | |
Register for Art Takes Paris before Monday September 2 for a shot at: $10,000 cash | Exhibition at Galerie 66 | Luxury Hotel Stay in Paris | |
Paris is Calling You.
Your Final Entry Deadline is September 2, 2013 11:59pm EST. All participants will be reveiewed by a special jury panel from: |
Olga Lah, vincitrice del Premio Speciale OPEN, presenterà la sua installazione in occasione della 16. edizione dell'Esposizione Internazionale di Sculture ed Installazioni che si svolge parallelamente alla Mostra d'Arte Cinematografica - La Biennale di Veneziadal 29 agosto al 29 settembre 2013. | Olga Lah, winner of the Special Prize OPEN, will present her installation during the 16th edition of theInternational Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations that takes place during the Venice Film Festival - La Biennale di Venezia from August 29th to September 29th, 2013. |
Premio Speciale OPEN 16. Esposizione Internazionale di Sculture e Installazioni Venezia Lido e Isola di San Servolo 29.08 - 29.09.2013 | Special Prize OPEN 16th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations Venice Lido and San Servolo Island 29.08 - 29.09.2013 |
Per maggiori informazioni >>> | For more information >>> |
Premio Arte Laguna www.premioartelaguna.it 041 5937242 | 347 7077251 | Arte Laguna Prize www.artelagunaprize.com +39 041 5937242 | +39 347 7077251 |